AIAC & ISED Release Latest State of Canada’s Aerospace Industry Report
Aerospace continues to be an important contributor to Canada’s economy despite impact of pandemic to the sector.
Why Canada Needs an Industrial Aerospace Strategy
For over 80 years, Canadian engineering and manufacturing has been a cornerstone of the global aerospace supply chain and the envy of other countries around the world. This was thanks to the innovative and collaborative efforts of industry, a longstanding commitment from government and political determination to ensure Canada remained a leading aerospace nation.
“Canada maintains a distinct advantage as one of the only countries in the world capable of manufacturing an aircraft from nose to tail and certifying it.”
Statement from Aerospace Industries Association of Canada On Canada’s Defence Policy Update
On behalf of Aerospace Industries Association of Canada (AIAC) and its members, AIAC President and CEO – Mike Mueller, issued the following statement in regards to Canada’s Defence Policy Update, Our North, Strong and Free: A Renewed Vision for Canada’s Defence
AIAC Proud to Support Commercial Space Launch in Canada
Canada takes a giant leap in commercial space launch. AIAC’s Mike Mueller hails the government’s crucial step, ensuring our nation and talent capitalize on this rapidly expanding sector’s opportunities.