Kim Van Vliet
Tel: 403-889-4666

Suite 407, 1701 Centre Street North
Calgary, AB, T2E 7Y2

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WāVv specializes in global commercialized technology transfer across the aerospace, defence, security, energy, tech, mining, agriculture, construction and military sectors. This gives us unparalleled insight and ability to diversify your solution both locally and internationally.

WāVv is proud to be the founding sponsor of ConvergX®.

ConvergX® is the first and only annual 2.5 day global congress that brings together decision makers from the aforementioned industries which provides you access to a unique peer network of pre-vetted, qualified leaders, who are committed to working with you to seek business opportunities in the next 12–18 months.

At ConvergX® you’re solving problems you didn’t know you had, with solutions you didn’t know existed, from industries you didn’t know could help. If you have a technology that can be used in another industry, or need a solution, then this is the congress for you. 3 employees

Other Locations: Canada, USA