Isaac Operations

Nick Boragina
Managing Partner
Tel: (416) 666-1455
Matti Keskikyla
(416) 587-6132
219 Dufferin St
Toronto, ON, M6K3J1
Visit Website:
Isaac Operations works hands-on with organizations in North America and around the world to help them get more out of their operational processes and supply chains. Not your typical management consultants, Isaac consultants are talented engineers so they’re able to identify issues that limit cost, delivery and quality performance, and then implement practical solutions that rapidly generate measurable, sustainable financial returns – from the ground up.
From their roots in manufacturing, Isaac applies a unique engineering-based approach across a wide range of industry sectors, working in areas as diverse as aerospace, defence, marine, nuclear, automotive, food & beverage and healthcare. With a track record of delivering 10 – 50% operational improvement in two to six months without any capital expenditure, Isaac is the intelligent way to unlock the potential within your business. They’re so confident in their ability to deliver results that they even stake their fees on it, with a policy of no results, no fees. Put simply: Isaac transforms operations.