HICO Canada Inc.

Werner M. Schadelbauer
President of HICO Canada Inc.
Tel: 438-688-4426
373 Place d’Youville, Suite 201
Montréal, QC, H2Y 2B7
Visit Website:
HICO’s mission has been clearly defined for nearly three decades: true innovation, driven by experience, inspired by customer challenges.
HICO provides unrivaled Integrated Product Support (IPS) or Life Cycle Support (ILS) solutions and IPS-Engineering Services to customers worldwide across various industries. The customer segment is defined by companies that manufacture, operate or maintain complex and durable technical systems.
Coming from the Aerospace, Security and Defense industries, HICO’s customer base has grown into the Maritime/Naval, Railway and other industrial segments. Services are quoted for a wide range of IPS elements:
- IPS/ILS management
- Supportability Engineering, incl. development of optimized Preventive Maintenance Concepts
- Product Support Analysis (PSA); the main focus on Maintenance Engineering
- Integrated Material Management; spare parts supply processes
- Technical Data/Technical Documentation
- After-market service solutions for Technical Service Centers, Maintenance Organizations and System Operators
HICO’s strong commitment to standard-compliant solutions
HICO’s solution concepts are characterized by the fact that, based on an integrated solution approach and consistent IPS/ILS processes, the most important national and international specifications are supported.
- ASD/AIA S-Series IPS Specifications (S1000D, S2000M, S3000L, S4000P, ),
- ATA E-Business specifications (ATA Spec 2000, ATA iSpec 2200, ATA Spec 1000BR, ),
- GEIA-STD-0007,
- MIL-Std-1388-2B,
The HICO Corporate Group’s internationally operating teams focus on IPS/ILS-Business Solutions, IPS/PSA/TechPub specification training, Process Implementation & System Integration, Agile Customer Support and IPS-Engineering Services. 60 employees
Leadership in technical excellence simply sums up as: DON’T TRY. RELY. HICO. WE INTEGRATE PRODUCT SUPPORT
Other Locations: Vienna Region, Austria; Prague, Czech Republic; Hamburg, Germany
Products & Services: Computerized Maintenance Programs; Document Management & Maintenance; Publications Management; Support Services; Systems Integration; Technical Illustration, Writing & Manuals