Marc-Andre Soucy
Manager Direct Sales (Space and Defense)
Tel: 418-262-7821
| Website:

3400 Rue Pierre-Ardouin
Quebec City, QC, G1P 0B2

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ABB’s Quebec factory is the largest Canadian supplier of space-based optical products, with over one hundred optical systems on-orbit or in manufacturing serving both governments and private clients. Since 1973, our dedicated team has provided solutions to address the needs of our customers throughout the global space industry.

ABB specializes in remote sensing instruments for space applications from the UV to the far IR addressing weather forecasting, climate, earth observation, space domain awareness, space exploration and astronomy, among others.

Our space products encompass a broad array of technologies such as:

  • Specialized camera systems
  • Multi and hyperspectral imagers
  • Spectrometers
  • Optical payload modules (telescopes, pointing mirrors, onboard calibration, metrology)
  • Instrument performance simulators and data analysis

With its proven experience in remote sensing and a unique synergy between space and volume manufacturing for ABB global industrial market, our company supports its customers’ missions in various ways ranging from feasibility studies to production of complete optical payload or other mission critical instrument modules. ABB also offers solutions for ground-based and airborne instruments in related technology fields.

Number of employees: 105,000

Products & Services: Calibration Services; Contract Design & Manufacturing; Contract Engineering & Technical Personnel Engineering; Contract R & D; Optical Systems; Remote Sensing Equipment; Satellites, Satellite Systems, Components & Software; Surveillance Systems