The AIAC Advantage

Becoming a member of AIAC means you have unparalleled access and opportunity to influence  – what we call the AIAC Advantage:

  • Join forces with Canada’s top aerospace companies specializing in Civil Aviation, Defence and Space.
  • Amplify your company’s goals through a unified national voice, dedicated to ensuring a strong and resilient Canadian aerospace industry that continues to be recognized globally.
  • Exclusive access to premium discounts on AIAC Events including tradeshow, sponsorship and registration for both ADSE and the Canadian Aerospace Summit.
  • Access to funding through the CanExport Program to help elevate your company visibility in Canada and around the world, including opportunities to be part of trade missions and delegations to emerging key markets.
  • Exclusive access and opportunity to contribute to AIAC’s National Committees and Member Coalitions, dedicated to addressing key issues and enhancing opportunities for the aerospace industry in Canada.
  • Access to international advocacy and networking opportunities through the International Organization for Aerospace Industry Associations (ICCAIA) and the International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO)
  • Position your company among Canada’s aerospace elite with AIAC’s annual Guide to Canada’s Aerospace Industry.

Contact us today to learn more about the AIAC Advantage and how we can help:

Mike Baker
Senior Manager, Operations, AIAC

Bill Yetman
Vice President, Strategic Planning, AIAC

More Members, More Impact

AIAC has launched an exclusive incentive program designed to reward AIAC members for helping us grow our community, known as the Member Get A Member Program!

AIAC’s Strategic Vision

AIAC’s Strategic Vision was codesigned in consultation with AIAC members and key stakeholders from academia, government and industry, to ensure the needs of industry are clearly reflected in everything we do.

Aligned with our commitment to helping Canada’s aerospace to reach new heights, both domestically and internationally, learn more about our Strategic Vision and how it will help guide the association and our membership over the next several years as we adapt, grow, innovate and scale, together.