Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace

Robert Donald
Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace
Tel: 613-727-8272 ext. 222
1785 Alta Vista Drive, Suite 105
Ottawa, ON, K1G 3Y6
Visit Website:
About CCAA
The Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace (CCAA) is dedicated to ensuring the Canadian aviation and aerospace industry has enough workers with the right skills to meet industry needs.
CCAA has two main areas of focus: skills development and industry demographics (supply and demand for skills).
With input from industry across Canada, CCAA provides current Labour Market Information (LMI) for all sub-sectors: MRO, aerospace manufacturing, fixed-wing and rotary transport, airports, and professional pilots.
How CCAA Supports the Industry
CCAA LMI involves and supports stakeholders in key initiatives:
- National workforce strategy development and implementation based on an annual meeting of key stakeholders
- Work Integrated Learning wage subsidy for employers
- Updated, industry-validated national standards for sector-specific occupations
- Accelerated assessment and certification to qualify candidates trained in other industries or outside Canada
- Curricula development based on national standards
- Aviation and aerospace career information and outreach events to assist students, counselors, and workers
- Training: online and onsite (CARS, Human Factors, PRM, CASO, Quality Auditor, Business and Non-technical Skills) for the Canadian aviation and aerospace industry
As well, CCAA offers:
- Projects to increase participation of women and indigenous persons
- CCAA Online Job Magnet – employers can attract candidates with exactly the right skills, job-seekers can target the jobs that they are qualified to
With a first-rate workforce, Canada can meet industry challenges, now and in the future.
To participate in CCAA initiatives, please contact the Canadian Council for Aviation & Aerospace at 613-727-8272 or 800-488-9715.